Dubai Police Audit Report


There are certain circumstances in filing criminal case in Dubai court relating to financial dispute that has technicalities that are beyond what the judge or arbitrators can grasp. Under such circumstances an expert is appointed to ensure impartial opinion on particular aspects of matters within his expertise which are in dispute before coming up with a decision for this expert report is required to submit to the court from the certified auditors i.e. court Experts.


In other words, there are some aspects in police case that requires expert report where an auditor must possess an investigative eye toward both internal and external fraud and provide tips for coping with fraud when it is found to have occurred.



ARC Associates is associated with Dubai Court regulated experts in legal prosecutions, our professional auditors in Dubai is avail the financial expertise to strengthen and elevate the financial perspective for legal events, respectively. We assist you to prepare a Dubai court consultancy report with the skills and expertise providing the world standard level of consultancy with high level of secrecy and privacy.


ARC Associates is not the approved arbitration professionals, but associated with the regulated expert of UAE courts who can handle various litigation issues; our litigation practice group is widely recognized for having the ability to handle the most complex lawsuits with multiple parties and tens of thousands of documents proven on our expertise records. Our Dubai-based criminal lawyers have significant expertise and experience working with the prosecutor’s office, court-appointed experts, and investigative authorities. STA’s team of UAE criminal lawyers represent clients throughout all tiers before the courts. Our associated Court experts are one of the most prominent and highly ranked Criminal Dispute services consultants.


As associated Dubai court regulated expert advocates with the reputation for superb par excellence and world-class quality service, ARC Associates, can undoubtedly assure that our associated professionals prevail this field and further more leaving absolutely nothing to coincidence. As a regulated expert by Dubai Courts and Prosecution, we guarantee nothing but the expertise of the pioneers and spark thriving innovation.
