
Fund Management: Cash inflows and outflows are one of the main areas that need to be carefully tracked and studied so as to know the sources of income as well as the expenses of the business and to maintain the liquidity in the firm. As cash and cash equivalents are really important for carrying out the day to day operations of the business and meet the obligations, it is very important to manage them well.


Therefore, fund management is managing the cash flows of the business. The scope of fund management is not just limited to keeping an eye on the cash inflows and the outflows. The person/ manager managing the funds needs to manage the time of inflows and outflows so that the inflows can be used for the payment of the obligations. The manager also needs to ensure that the fund’s strategy is capable of achieving its goals.


Fund management is also known as Asset Management and it applies to tangible as well as intangible assets. It is concerned with operating, deploying, maintaining and upgrading assets in a cost-efficient manner so that they yield highest returns. They also provide insight into selecting the shares/ stock for the investors’ portfolio.


The fund managers can be of two types – business fund managers/corporate fund managers and personal fund managers (who handle the investment accounts for individual investors.) It is important that the fund manager is well versed with the rules and regulations and complies with them before taking any decision.


Fund Management is not an easy task and it requires expert help and suggestion so that the money invested is not wasted. So, the team at ARC Associates provides the financial advisory services that will guide you to manage your funds properly and add the right kind of shares to the portfolio. We have a team that is well versed in the market trends and have a deep insight into the working of the stock market. We provide the best advisory services after carefully studying the market and its analysis, and help our clients to survive during financial difficulties and expose them to the opportunities that will prove to be more profit yielding for them.


For a no-obligation initial consultation, please contact:

Mr. Reyees. K.P | Director

ARC Associates

Tel: +971 4 4431604

PO BOX 390831

Mob: 055 4874391

B2B Tower, Office 1213

Business Bay

Dubai, UAE

