
ARC Associates is now one of the registered TAX Agents in the UAE to serve the business community better, with TAX Agent Name as ARC ASSOCIATES  Holding TAN 20027546  above is the screenshot from the official website of the FTA showing approval of TAX Agent registration.

The Federal Law No (7) of 2017 on tax procedures specifies the appointment of a tax agent to represent taxable persons before the Federal tax authority (FTA) with regards to their tax affairs and taxable obligations. Federal Law No. (7) of 2017 on Tax Procedures states tax agents as:

“Any Person registered with the Authority in the Register, who is appointed on behalf of another person to represent him before the Authority and assist him in the fulfillment of his Tax obligations and the exercise of his associated tax rights.”

It is prohibited to practice the profession of a Tax Agent without completing the registration and receiving accreditation from the FTA. Doing so constitutes a legal offense.