
VAT- IMPACT ASSESSMENT: VAT is to be implemented in the UAE from 1 st January 2018. The deadlines for the VAT Registration has already been passed and most of the businesses have registered themselves with the Federal Tax Authority and obtained their Tax Registration Number.


The next step after obtaining the TRN would be to understand clearly how VAT is going to impact your business. As the concept of taxation is new to UAE, understanding the working, as well as the impact of VAT, could be a troublesome task.


ARC Associates, the Tax Consultants in the UAE can assist you in making VAT easier for you and your business. The team at ARC Associates will help you to understand the impact of VAT on each of your transactions by closely studying the nature of your transactions and providing you with the best tax consultancy services.


By clearing understanding what will be the impact of the VAT on your business, prepares you in an efficient and effective manner to welcome VAT with ease after the implementation.


ARC Associates will help you with the Impact Assessment with respect to all types of transactions – whether sale or purchase, exports or imports. ARC Associates will help the businesses in realizing the impact of the transactions which revolve around the exempt and the zero rated supplies and how they should be effectively dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the law.


In order to have a detailed discussion regarding the impact assessment of your business and be well prepared to face the VAT, please contact ARC Associates – Auditors and Consultants.
